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What is the Hendon Halaqah?

We are a Muslim Women’s Study Circle based in North West London. We meet every Thursday 8-9pm at 189 Community Space on West Hendon Broadway, London NW9 7DD

For more details please contact Faaiza:

Please feel free to use the content on this website for your own Study Circle!fatima-barkatulla-leaflet-to-print

2 Comments leave one →
  1. vahida permalink
    March 11, 2009 8:14 pm

    Assalamu alaikum sister, mashallah i am really impressed with the halaaqa website it is fantastic, those who cannot attend can catch up now on the net.
    This is something new for our community we did not have halaqas locally and now to have it on the website too, this is really really fantastic mashaallaah keep up the good work inshallah.

    • Yasmin permalink
      March 12, 2009 12:40 pm

      Assalamu Aliakum sister Fatima,

      Mashallah such an appealing website.

      Jazakallah for all your efforts with the circle and now this website. The circle is one of the highlights of my week, it’s so useful to have the content of the circle on this website as it helps to consolidate what was covered.

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