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Radio Phone-in Scenarios

May 15, 2009

Assalamu Alaikum Sisters. Here are some of the Scenarios we looked at last week in groups. We discussed if in each of these scenarios we could think of ways to remove a misconception or promote something good…sisters discussed and then jotted down points they would make if they took part in the phone-in and we discussed the best ways to respond and present the Islamic solution or viewpoint on each issue.



 Scenario 1: Marriage and staying chaste

The Presenter is saying: “Is there any point in staying a virgin until you’re married? Most of us lose our virginity before we get married and it’s usually a pretty dire experience – one we’d rather forget. Isn’t marriage only a way of controlling and tying down women? What’s the point in getting married? So many end in divorce anyway!”

 Scenario 2: Muslims, the enemy within

The Presenter is saying: What is it with some of the Muslims in this country that’s radicalising them? I mean some of these people attempting to bomb our airports are educated people! Doctors! How on earth do they get brainwashed like this to try and kill innocent people and take their own lives? What can the government do to root out this sort of brainwashing?

Scenario 3: Ban Muslim schools.

The Presenter is saying: Faith-based schools should be banned. They create division in society and stop us from seeing each other as fellow human-beings. The schools will create brainwashed young people who don’t feel part of our society and lead them to extremism and even terrorism because they teach the superiority of one people over another! Ban Muslim schools and other faith-based schools!

Scenario 4: Face-veils.

The Presenter is saying: “If you cover your face, you’re telling me that you want nothing to do with me. You don’t want anything to do with society. How will you ever integrate if you cover your face all the time? How do we know that the men aren’t forcing these women to live in this way? And what about the fact that anyone can hide dressed like that and be a security risk?

Scenario 5: Shari’ah Law

The presenter is reporting that Muslims seem to be trying to impose Shari’ah Law on our country. Why are there Shari’ah courts running in this country? There should only be one set of courts for all. Do we really want to see the people who think it’s OK to chop limbs off people and stone women for adultery have their laws implemented in this country? Close down the Shari’ah courts!

Scenario 6: Capital punishment

The Presenter is reporting a terrible case of a man who raped and abused a woman and a child before killing them. He is saying,”it’s times like this when you think…maybe we should have capital punishment…but capital punishment doesn’t seem to work anyway. Just look at Americas high crime rate…it hasn’t helped them. Do you believe in a life for a life? What’s the proof that it is a deterrent?

Scenario 7: Youth Crime

The Presenter is saying: What is causing the youth of this country to go mad. Why are so many killing or willing to kill each other? Why are there so many ASBOS, hoodies and yobs? What is the answer…tougher sentencing? Why do youth not seem to be motivated to do anything but be part of gang?

Scenario 8: Irrational Religion

A Jehovah’s Witness has died in hospital after giving birth to twins because she lost a lot of blood and refused to have a blood transfusion. JWs believe that the Bible prohibits eating blood and that this includes the storage and transfusion of blood. Listeners are commenting that Religions are all man-made and irrational, how cruel to deny those children a mother.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Umm Nafisa permalink
    May 21, 2009 11:30 pm


    Jazakillah kahir…….WoW !! All Wonderful scenarios….

    It would be great if you could post the response also Please !! :)…I am really looking forward to that…..


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